This cruel and inhumane practice of Field Coursing has got to stop. It horrific! Your support of our cause is needed. If you are not familiar with the "sport" please read this article by Jim Sanders of the Sacramento Bee and let you elected officials know how you feel!
California lawmakers sets sights on ban of coursing
SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- For sighthounds, it's fun and games.
For their owners, it's hunting without guns.
For jackrabbits, it's deadly.
For the California Assembly, it's an obscure sport that strikes a public nerve: Legislation to ban it has sparked passionate public hearings and hundreds of letters from both sides.
Welcome to "live field coursing," which involves greyhounds, whippets, salukis, borzois and other sighthounds in rural competitions that test their killing skills.
"I think most people would be horrified," said Assemblywoman Loni Hancock, a Berkeley Democrat who considers the sport inhumane.
"I don't expect everyone to understand hunting," countered Lesley Brabyn, a longtime courser. "But is it fair to say that no one can hunt?"
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