Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Tired of Politics as Usual?


I would like to invite you to be a part of re-creating our political dynamic. I will be holding a Town Hall meeting on the Clean Money system of publicly financing elections in California. Simply put, the Clean Money system allows people to run for office without taking a single dime of special interest campaign contributions. With Clean Money, candidates demonstrating broad public support can choose to receive public funding to run competitive campaigns. Clean Money has been working in Maine and Arizona and has lowered overall campaign spending, freed candidates from incessant fundraising, increased turnout, and encouraged a qualified diverse group of candidates to run for office.

Clean Money is the only solution that eliminates the corrosive influence of money on public policy. It is the only solution to turn around cynicism in our democracy. It is the only solution that will make legislators beholden to the people that elected them... you.

Please Join Me in recreating our democratic process:

SATURDAY January 7th, 2006
11:00AM – 2:00pm
Oakland City Hall, Council Chambers
1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, between 14th and 15th Streets at Clay Street.

Please call (510) 559-1406 if you have any questions.

Thank you!