Thursday, April 14, 2005

People speaking out against Urban Gambling!

Support fight to end Casino chaos in area

It's a tragedy that there are officials who believe gambling is the "holy grail" for solving the economic woes of their communities.
Generating tax revenues by preying on the pockets of their citizenry through gambling is truly a form of legal extortion. Too bad these officials are "running on empty" in the creativity department.
What does it say about our society when training future card dealers is applauded as a noble effort toward reducing unemployment? Is that the best we can come up with?
The reality is, urban casinos are nothing more than a big box of false promises and chaotic problems; open it at your own risk. Don't be deceived by this "wolf in sheep's clothing." Support Sen. Dianne Feinstein and Assemblywoman Loni Hancock in their efforts to restore order out of chaos.
Say no to urban casinos and make a stand for your community.

Dean Marshall
San Pablo

Well said Dean.
See Dean's actual letter here.

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