Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Look where we are now

Thank you all for helping make this blog a great success. We have received close to 80 comments since we unveiled the blog last Thursday! I have received many thoughtful ideas on Casino San Pablo, potential legislation and ideas how to make our community a better place to live, work and grow.  Thank you again, and keep the posts coming!
I want to highlight two posts I have received on the Casino San Pablo proposal.
Bill Whitaker says:

"I cannot get behind the idea of a casino in San Pablo. Adding full on gambling to the card room is like adding fuel to the fire of disease. Gambling is just that, a disease. Just like alcoholism, smoking, and other drug addictions. It ruins people’s lives and destroys neighborhoods.

Having a casino at the crossroads of San Pablo and San Pablo D. Road would essentially make a bad traffic situation even more terrible. I've seen the changes that have been wrought when Cache Creek was put in. It turned a sleepy farm road into what was essentially highway four (4) overnight. A high school and farm houses lined the route to the casino. How soon before someone's kid is killed by a one of these gambling commuter busses? Or some drunk on their way home from a gambling/drinking binge?

I want to see the Pomo's get a fair shake, but promoting social endangerment is not the way to do it.

Thanks for this opportunity to share my thoughts Loni."

Conversely, Richard Romero posts:

"Open communications with your constituents this way is a great idea. We will likely never all of us have the time we can afford to study closely all the issues: division of labor and responsibility will always be a necessity. Nevertheless it is great to have our representative asking us our thoughts in a way allowing [i]free speech[/i].

I consider the interests of this Native American tribe are acting constructively with us, as good neighbors.

I'd like to be a good neighbor in return, and show respect if not gratitude to a significant employer for the area, which in itself contributes rather handsomely to our revenue base and ultimately our quality of life.

Every job counts. Those employed represent increased purchasing power infusing cash into the community and removing unemployed from the rolls.

The casino has comported gaming responsibly: There is no reason I see to project anything less if we negotiate a mutually beneficial agreement."

And one more…
"Thank goodness the blog verbosity limit is 1000 characters. It forces people to make their point clearly and briefly. I think that's terrific."
Thank you Toby. I appreciate your brevity!

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